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Snap On Veneers TOP & BOTTOM Set

Snap On Veneers TOP & BOTTOM Set

Regular price $699.00 USD
Regular price $800.00 USD Sale price $699.00 USD
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  • A Snap On Top and Bottom veneer set refers to a type of dental treatment where thin layers of tooth-colored materials, called veneers, are placed over the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance.
  • The top veneers are applied to the upper teeth, while the bottom veneers are applied to the lower teeth.
  • They can be made from porcelain or composite resin, and they are customized to match the natural color and shape of the patient's teeth.
  • They can be used to correct a variety of cosmetic dental issues, such as chipped or cracked teeth, stained or discolored teeth, or teeth that are misaligned or have gaps between them.
  • Overall, a Snap On Top and Bottom veneer set is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can dramatically improve the appearance of a person's smile, giving them a brighter, more confident look.
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